Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Europe in 2029 thanks to Socialists & Multiculturism


Integration of British Muslims has been increasingly hindered by the rise of ghettos. New research shows the population of these mostly inner city communities has been rising very fast -- by one-third over the past decade. These findings have reopened the debate on how to solve this problem, which also breeds extremism. And solutions are not going to be easily found, according to the experts

Asian Muslim ghettos in Britain have kept growing fast over the past 10 years, hindering integration and raising fears that dissatisfied Muslim youngsters may become easy prey for extremist groupings. Magnus Ranstorp is the director of the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
“I think that home-grown terrorism is certainly being accelerated by the growing ‘ghettoification.’ Not just in Britain, but across Europe. And it’s very easy for the recruiters and for those who are manipulating the individuals to taking that final step. To find the willing recruits who are socially excluded and then marginalized in the society,” Ranstorp said.
This “ghettoisation” has been most visible in eight major cities. Leicester, Birmingham, and Bradford top the scale, followed by London, and others. And the integration or assimilation process in the ghettos is so slow, according to the report released by the Royal Geographical Society, that in many cases it will never happen.
Ali Noorizade heads the Arab-Iranian Studies Centre in London. He says the problem has been that the ghettos are a voluntary creation by mostly Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants, not something the society has forced upon them. And he adds that they rarely need to venture outside.
“The women are totally isolated. Majority of them are brought to England to bring children. They are coming from a remote village, and suddenly they find themselves in a society they know nothing about."
“They deal with themselves. Some of them never learn English. They have a Pakistani doctor, they have Pakistani lawyers, and therefore, you know, it became part of their culture to live within their ghetto. And they don’t show any intention to integrate with the society,” Noorizade said.
Other experts view the situation similarly. David Owen is a population studies specialist at the University of Warwick. “The degree of concentration has increased over 10 years, because there’s been quite rapid growth of the Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations over that period. They are a very impoverished population who tend to remain within established areas,” Owen said.
Owen says there are other constraints, too: fear of racial harassment outside the ghettos; loss of the immediate, next-door contact with the wider family and friends; and the loss of community facilities, including the closeness of the mosque.
Owen adds that a proportion of new immigrants belong to an Islamic sect that does not wish to mix with other faiths, which makes them entrenched. And the newcomers since 1997 also include women who come to Britain as brides. They too add to the rising ghetto population, as well as boosting high birth rates.
Noorizade confirms these observations, adding that the situation of the ghetto women is really most unfortunate.
“The women are totally isolated. Majority of them are brought to England to bring children. They are coming from a remote village, and suddenly they find themselves in a society they know nothing about. And then their husbands force them to stay indoors and not to participate in any kind of activities,” Noorizade says.
Noorizade says the British government and official institution do not like to see the ghetto-dwellers isolate themselves. Unfortunately, after 9/11 and the London bombings, the finger was pointed at the Muslims, he adds. “And it pushed the ghettos into yet more isolation.”
Owen adds that there are several interlinked problems. Houses within the ghettos are priced much lower than those outside in the suburbs. With low earnings, there is no upward mobility -- which for example many Hindu and Sikh immigrants from India have managed quite successfully -- so there is no possibility to break out from the ghettos.
Official statistics show that nearly three-quarters of the ghettos comprise low-income households. And the unemployment there is three times higher than among the white population.
Picture above shows muslim takeover in London Alone
Owen says that the solution is in improving the economic situation and education, so that people would start moving out. “That lies with ability to obtain better, higher-status employment. And, also, there is a question of education to obtain higher quality employment. Because Pakistanis and Bangladeshi boys in particular have been amongst the less successful at school,” Owen says. Noorizade concludes that some action by the government is overdue, but first there has to be more dialogue with the real representatives of the ghettos. “Then, maybe a solution would show itself,” he says

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Ed Miliband Pretends to Back British Jobs for British People

Britain’s Labour Party leader Ed Miliband fuels anti-immigrant prejudice

Last week Labour Party leader Ed Miliband played the anti-immigrant card, promising new measures to prevent British people being “locked out” of jobs by foreign workers. His speech followed one earlier this month calling for “a positive, outward-looking version of English identity”.

Miliband claimed that Labour had to change its policies to reflect “legitimate fears.” His appeal to anti-immigrant prejudice was couched in terms of ending exploitation and upholding workers’ rights. He pledged to reform a “nasty, brutish and short-term” labour market that uses too many low-paid immigrants and “to look at what incentives we can give companies so they do not rely on a pool of short-term temporary labour.”

The Labour leader reinforced every lie and myth ever invented that blames people from other countries for the desperate plight of millions of working people in Britain. He covered over for those who are really responsible—the financial oligarchy that has systematically defrauded the country of billions of pounds.

The last Labour government had got immigration policy wrong, he said, singling out its failure to impose curbs in 2004 on workers from new European Union member states. “We severely underestimated the number of people who would come here”, he said. “We were dazzled by globalisation and too sanguine about its price.”
Labour would impose maximum immigration controls for seven years on future EU accession countries.

Companies employing more than 25 percent foreign workers would now have to inform job centres. This will mean any job first being advertised for British workers for 28 days—a prospect that prompted Conservative immigration minister Damian Green to comment that it sounded “eerily reminiscent of British jobs for British workers”.

He would also “review” immigrants’ entitlement to benefits and “local connection” rules for council house waiting lists. “This is only the start”, a party official declared. “We will also look at the services to which migrants are entitled such as social housing, schools and the National Health Service.”
Miliband’s speech, as could be anticipated, elicited virtually no opposition from within Labour’s ranks. Shadow Public Health minister Diane Abbott did not protest his comments, but only the way they “were spun by the leadership”. The putative leader of the party’s dwindling band of “lefts”, MP John McDonnell, admonished the Labour leader for adopting “the wrong approach”, saying the way to tackle the problem of low wages was to boost union rights—ignoring the fact that the unions have agreed to wage cuts, job losses and dismantling of the public sector.

The facts show that the vast majority of immigrants coming to the UK are students paying to study, or skilled workers. About 47,000 spouses, partners and dependents are admitted—but only after they have jumped through numerous hoops to prove their relationship. The number of asylum-seekers and refugees is small—around 20,000—and they are unable to claim anything. Less than 2 percent of the 10 million people who live in social housing are new migrants.

Research from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research has shown migration from within Europe has had little impact on jobs or wages for British workers: “The new migrants get jobs, contribute to the economy, pay taxes, don’t use many public services, and don’t take jobs from natives.”

Last year, Labour’s “largest ever listening exercise … designed to reconnect Labour and the public” revealed that the “vast majority” of those interviewed criticised bankers’ bonuses and were worried about their children’s future. None of this has found its way into Labour’s policy review. Instead Labour has instigated a predetermined shift to the right, claiming that the “public” wanted stringent law-and-order measures, cuts in welfare and a curb on immigration.

Miliband’s speech is a distillation of the anti-immigrant nostrums of the “Blue Labour” group, launched in 2009 by the academic Maurice Glasman. It calls for the dismantling of social provision, utilising nationalism, anti-immigrant measures and a more corporatist relationship with the trade unions.

Glasman reserves his most bitter attacks for the “state-driven, redistribution-driven, equality-driven Labour tradition that comes straight out of 1945”—the one period in history in which Labour was forced to make inroads against the major corporations and introduce welfare reforms that ensured it broad working class support for a considerable period of time.

Where New Labour went wrong for Glasman was its support for “globalisation”, which led to an “influx of immigrants”—creating resentment amongst the “white working class” that was compounded by the policies of “multiculturalism”. Blue Labour, he said, intended to remedy this with the promotion of “faith, flag and family”.

The attack on “statism” serves to justify the policies of austerity, including the privatisation of what remains of the public sector. With its emphasis on friendly societies and “localism”, Blue Labour dresses up the Conservatives’ “Big Society” plans to dismantle health care, education and other essential social provisions as an exercise in listening to the “white working class”. Indeed, it is difficult to find any reference to the working class by a top Labourite that is not prefixed by “white”.
Miliband is an enthusiastic supporter of Glasman’s ideas, declaring, “I think that actually [it’s] ahead of its time in a way. Blue Labour was saying to us, you have to think about the values that your society operates under—it’s not just always about how can you get a bit more money for the health service, or getting more money into education, it’s also something bigger.”

Miliband made “re-connecting” with party supporters on immigration a central theme of his campaign to become leader of the party in 2010. Last month, he appointed the MP most closely identified with Blue Labour, Jon Cruddas, to the top position as his Policy Review Co-Ordinator. “Jon Cruddas is already known as one of the most radical and deepest thinkers in the party”, Miliband said.
Cruddas was Tony Blair’s deputy political secretary from 1997 until 2001, when he became MP for Dagenham. Labour’s loss of support and the electoral challenge of the British National Party in his own constituency saw him proclaim the need to win over the BNP’s constituency by essentially mirroring its policies—without the naked racism.

The welfare state’s “preoccupation with the most vulnerable”, including immigrants, had marginalised the “white working class”, he said. The party’s re-invigoration required it to reconnect with the “white working class” by adopting an “inclusive nationalism”.

Cruddas’s premise that the fascists were in tune with what working people thought ignored the views of millions of former Labour voters who were bitterly hostile to the BNP. Instead, the prejudices of a minority that have been systematically cultivated by all the major parties and the mass media were made the touchstone for the development of policy. He refused to make the slightest criticism of Labour’s pro-business agenda, the vast growth of social inequality under successive governments or the situation where millions were forced to compete against one another for ever dwindling resources such as council housing, schools and health services.

The effort to create a supposedly respectable nationalist, anti-immigrant party indicates an acute awareness of the social and political chasm that has opened up between the super-rich elite and the vast majority of the working population. Throughout Europe, the political class is seeking to fill this vacuum with right-wing populism to channel a social discontent in a xenophobic direction. That Labour is being advanced for this role is proof of the irreversibility of its rightward, pro-corporate trajectory despite its nauseating pose of “reconnecting with the working class”.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Example of why Muslim immigrants might flock to the UK: Single mother of eight living in a £2.6m mansion - Labour's gov. generous housing benefit


Who cares about Islamophobia !!

Although this woman is British born of Jamaican heritage - convert to Islam - there have been cases highlighted recently of Afghan and Somali immigrants - where similar benefits being extended.

Its a great incentive - for Muslim immigrants and asylum seekers to make their way over to the UK after - first settling in another EU country.

A year after the Government vowed to crack down on housing benefits, a single mother of eight is still living in a £2.6million mansion funded by taxpayers.

Francesca Walker receives more than £90,000 [$146,000] a year in housing allowance to meet the rent on the five-bedroom villa, plus other payouts of £15,000 [$24,000].

A defiant Miss Walker, 34, insists that she and her children aged from six to 16 are completely justified in living there as the council could not find them a big enough home.

And, bizarrely, she claims that 'living in this house is holding me back'.

Francesca Walker with Mohammed, daughter Rashida and son Moustapha in her £2.6million mansion

Miss Walker, whose near neighbours include David Cameron, Elle Macpherson and Hugh Grant, said: 'I've started my own business making organic soaps and bath products but any money I make I have to pay straight back to the council so there's no incentive for me to work hard to grow my business.

'Lovely though the house is, I'd prefer to live in a cheaper one. But I had to move from my old flat as gangs kicked my door down and harassed my children.'

The four-storey villa in Notting Hill, West London, which costs taxpayers £7,600 [$12,400] a month, has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a double living room, study and roof terrace.

'This house is lovely and spacious, and with three bathrooms we don't have to queue in the mornings,' added Miss Walker.

'If it seems like I've landed on my feet, I have. But I can't afford to buy a house myself and I can't work because I have eight children to look after.

'Where would people rather my family was - out on the street?'

The imposing Kensington house where Miss Walker and her family live

Miss Walker was given the house last September on a three-year lease because a rule introduced in April 2008 forces local authorities to place tenants in private properties if suitable council homes are unavailable.

This was intended to promote fairness but has caused, in some cases, huge cost to the taxpayer.

Last month, it was revealed that a Somali family of nine are living in a £1.8million central London house costing £1,600 [$2,600] a week.

And a family of eight Afghan immigrants have been housed for the last 14 months in a £ 1.2million house in Ealing, West London, at a cost so far of £168,000 [$273,000].

While then Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell said he would crack down on the failing system last year, little seems to have been done although a Government source said yesterday that a crackdown on high rates of housing allowance would be announced this week.

Miss Walker said: 'It's great living here, obviously, but it's ridiculous that the Government have housed me here as it's a complete waste of money.

'The benefits system in this country is a joke'

'There are a lot of people who defraud the system and abuse it - it's not difficult to take advantage of it.'

Miss Walker, a Muslim convert, was brought up by her Jamaican-born mother after they were abandoned by her father, a musician.

She was taken into care at 14 when her mother had a nervous breakdown.

She said: 'I lived in three foster homes and moved school five times. By 17, I was living in a children's home with some disreputable characters.

'I was afraid of being abused and becoming a junkie. I began to explore Islam.'

She converted to the religion and had five children with her first husband before divorcing five years later.

She had three more children from a second marriage, which also lasted five years.

Miss Walker insisted: 'I'm the product of a failed society. My family failed me, the council failed me and I failed myself. I should not have married and got pregnant at 17.

'On the other hand, I've never been in trouble with the law, my kids are healthy and well-looked-after, we're moderate Muslims, not extremists, and I'm taking a psychology degree with the Open University so I can be a support worker for families who are socially excluded.'

The property owner Mr Armstrong, who lived there with his wife and three children before moving to a nearby borough, declined to comment.

Kensington and Chelsea Council originally said it had to house Miss Walker in the borough as her children were all at local schools, but now she has removed them all for home education.

Despite this the council claims there is still nothing it can do and it is just 'following Government rules'.

UK Government Finally Targets Illegal Immigrants

Nearly 20,000 people who arrived in the UK from outside Europe will be the first to be targeted in the new crackdown - to begin next month - which will force them to provide documentary proof of their immigration status.

They will receive a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) telling them to send back a photocopy of their passport or residence permit within 28 days. If they cannot, they must email the UK Border Agency (UKBA) with a range of identifying information.
Anybody found not to be entitled to claim benefits will have their payments stopped, while dubious cases will have payments suspended. Those found to be illegally in the country are likely to face action to remove them from Britain. Letters will go out in two “tranches” - next month and October.
Ministers considered sending some in November but decided not to because this could mean people having their benefits removed “just prior to Christmas.”

The DWP is also writing to all MPs to warn them of the action it is taking to stop abuse of the system. Ministers expect the clampdown to spark protests locally, including at MPs’ advice surgeries.

The move comes months after a review by ministers established that, in total, 370,000 people who came to Britain as visitors, students or workers are now on work-related benefits. Foreign-born claimants is understood to make up 6.5 per cent of the total 5.5 people on benefits in the UK.

In January Chris Grayling, the employment minister, vowed: “We will root out those claimants who cannot prove their immigration status and in turn they will be stripped of their benefits.”

Whitehall documents seen by The Sunday Telegraph show in detail how ministers plan to deal with a “cohort” of “19,269 individuals with no readily identifiable immigration status.”

They continue: “DWP plans to start writing to these in two tranches, the first 10k on 3 September; the remainder on 1 October. Recipients are required within 28 days either with DWP or the UK Border Agency to establish their immigration status otherwise their benefits payments will be suspended.
“We did explore further sub-dividing the tranches, with a third later set in November, but this ran the risk of benefits being suspended just prior to Christmas.

“As well as building an immigration enforcement response to those identified as having no immigration status, the UK Border Agency will be providing support to DWP operational staff through verification of evidence of status.”

The documents go on to state the UKBA’s plans to deal with those with whom “no contact is made or where an immigration offender is identified.” They state: “As first order, we will identify those removable or high harm cases for tasking to the relevant LIT [local immigration team] for enforcement action.”

However, some will be identified as “not immediately removable,” the documents admit.
The letter to claimants thought to be abusing the system will state: “We are reviewing your entitlement to benefit and need to see evidence of your existing immigration status. You must ensure we receive your response within 28 days from the date of this letter or your benefit payments will be suspended.”
The crackdown may provoke opposition from the Liberal Democrats, who before the last general election proposed an amnesty for long-term illegal immigrants living in Britain, for being too harsh. The two parties’ differing stances on immigration are enshrined in the 2010 Coalition Agreement.
A DWP analysis of the initial 10,000-strong “tranche” of claimants who will receive letters next month showed that 57 per cent are women and 43 per cent men. More than a third (38 per cent) are aged between 35 and 44, while another 33 per cent are aged between 25 and 34. Some 17 per cent are aged between 45 and 54.

The most common benefit being claimed is Jobseekers Allowance (33 per cent). Some 36 per cent are claiming some form of lone parent allowance, while 16 per cent are on Employment Support Allowance or other incapacity benefit.

The new move comes after months in which ministers have faced attacks over their record on immigration. David Cameron has said his target is to bring net migration - the difference between those leaving the country and those coming here - below 100,000 by 2015. However, estimates suggest net migration will only drop to around 180,000 next year - leaving the Prime Minister highly unlikely to hit his target.

Ministers blame Labour for leaving behind a chaotic system which failed to record, among other things, the nationality of those claiming benefits. The Opposition, in turn, blames ministers’ “economic failures” for forcing more people on to benefits.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Anders Breivik Could be out in 10 Years

So a man Kills on a mass scale and he does not get a life sentence but is given a minamum of 10 years and a maximum of only 21 years! This is another form of Political Correctness and Human Rights Laws gone mad.

Even though he was attacking the cultural marxist socialists, it was their Socialist causes that may see him back on the streets of Norway in 2022 and could lead to him carrying out a simular attack.

News sources are saying that, this was the plan all along. He has gained world wide recognition from his attack in 2011 and is now able to interact with supporters through the internet in which he has access from his jail.

Surely this is another example of the failurse of Socialism and why it needs to be removed from anything to do with the setup and governance of a country and more importantly a political system. But what is it that drove Breivik to Attack Socialists?

I have written a research paper that will answer all these questions and it is available to purchase on Amazon Kindle or Computer.

Do cases like this not prove that Communism and Socialism is a failure and has damaged a system that prevented crimes like this from happening due to threat of death penalty and preventing the occurrance of Multiculturism which is the arguement from Breivik in the first place. Had their not been forced multiculturism on the western world, this attack would not have happened in the first place.

The Rise of Socialism in the last 70 years has slowly but surely seen Britains & Americans and the Western World become too scared to speak in case they offend somebody, but just how much has the left become the new right and the enemy of the people in Britain, America and the rest of the Western World.

To Purchase the book from Amazon.COM please Click Here http://www.amazon.com/Their-Difference-Between-Politics-ebook/dp/B0090RX5P6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1345632064&sr=8-3&keywords=charles+chatsworth

Thursday, 23 August 2012

If you Breed em, Ya'll feed Them


The Welfare Reform Act of 2011
The Most Effective Welfare Benefit Is the One that Leads to a Job!

Congressional Republicans and President Bill Clinton enacted reforms in 1996 that required beneficiaries of a new welfare program (TANF) to either work or prepare for a job. President Clinton triumphantly declared these reforms would “end welfare as we know it,” and in fact millions of families have since moved off the TANF rolls and begun to provide for themselves.

Still, TANF is only 1 of 77 federal programs that provide benefits specifically to poor and low-income Americans. Despite the success of these reforms, combined state and federal welfare spending has almost doubled since 1996. Since President Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty in 1964, Americans have spent around $16 trillion on means-tested welfare. We will spend another $10 trillion over the next decade based on recent projections. Even with all these resources devoted to assistance for the poor, poverty is higher today than it was in the 1970s.

H.R. 1167: the Welfare Reform Act of 2011 builds on the reforms of 1996 by requiring food stamp recipients to either work or prepare for a job, helping them to become independent of government assistance. The bill also gives taxpayers a clearer picture of national welfare spending and returns the federal welfare budget to pre-recession levels after unemployment falls to 6.5%. It was introduced by RSC Chairman Jim Jordan (OH-4), Rep. Tim Scott (SC-01), and Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-5).

What does the 2011 Census Tell Us?

By Stephanie Siek and Joe Sterling, CNN

(CNN)– U.S. minorities now represent more than half of America's population under the age of 1, the Census Bureau said, a historic demographic milestone with profound political, economic and social implications.

The bureau - defining a minority as anyone who is not "single race white" and "not Hispanic" - released estimates on Thursday showing that 50.4% of children younger than 1 were minorities as of July 1, 2011, up from 49.5% from the 2010 Census taken in April 2010.

"2011 is the first time the population of infants under age 1 is majority minority," said Robert Bernstein, a Census Bureau spokesman.

The latest statistics - which also count the national population younger than 5 as 49.7% minority in 2011, an increase from 49% in 2010 - portend a future of a more racially diverse America, with new and growing populations playing more important roles politically and economically in years to come, analysts say.
Like other analysts, Kenneth M. Johnson, senior demographer at the Carsey Institute and professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire, isn't surprised at the trend.

"We've known it was going to come, but the question was what year the "crossover point" would happen, he said.

"Little children are in the vanguard of all this change coming to America." he said.

Johnson sees the trend as an opportunity for more Americans to embrace diversity. More children are going to be exposed to a more diverse group of classmates, and that will affect attitudes and outlook.

The changes are going to be felt first in hospitals, as well as schools, where an increasingly diverse child population has to be absorbed. Hospitals would need interpreters and translators, for example, Johnson said. English as a second language would be an educational priority.

While many regions such as Atlanta have a diverse population, other regions lack racial and ethnic variety and will have to deal with a new kind of population, he said. In declining rural counties, he said, an influx of groups like Hispanics would serve to renew communities and changes would ensue.

"For a country that's aging, we need young workers, and the growth of the minority population will contribute to the size of the young adult workforce," he said. "This is breathing new life into the United States."
Jeff Passell, senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center, called the Census numbers "a cumulative effect of 35 to 40 years of immigration" bringing large numbers of Latinos, Asians and other immigrants into the United States.

He said the Hispanic population in particular is very young, much more concentrated in child-bearing years, and has a higher fertility rate than the white, non-Hispanic population. Lately, he says, there are a lot more births among native Hispanics in the United States than new Hispanic immigrants, a "cumulative effect" of immigration.

If the trend continues, Passell says several decades from now, possibly in the late 2030s or early 2040s, the U.S. population will become less than 50% non-Hispanic white.

"This is a trend that we can reasonably expect to continue. The factors that determine this have been set into motion, and in demography things tend to change gradually," he said.

There were 114 million minorities in 2011, or 36.6% of the U.S. population, a bump of half a percentage point from 2010. The latest figures count Hispanics as the most populous and fastest growing minority group.
They numbered 52 million in 2011, and their population grew by 3.1% since 2010. The U.S. Hispanic population grew from 16.3% in 2010 to 16.7% in 2011.

"California had the largest Hispanic population of any state on July 1, 2011 (14.4 million), as well as the largest numeric increase within the Hispanic population since April 1, 2010, (346,000)," the Census said.
"New Mexico had the highest percentage of Hispanics at 46.7%. Los Angeles had the largest Hispanic population of any county (4.8 million) in 2011 and the largest numeric increase since 2010 (73,000). Starr County - on the Mexican border in Texas - had the highest share of Hispanics (95.6 percent)."

Asians numbered 18.2 million nationally in 2011, making them the second fastest-growing minority group - up by 3% since 2010. Figures show that California had the largest Asian population of any state at 5.8 million and the largest increase since 2010 at 131,000.

"Hawaii is our nation's only majority-Asian state, with people of this group comprising 57.1% of the total population. Los Angeles had the largest Asian population of any county (1.6 million) in 2011, and also the largest numeric increase (16,000) since 2010. At 61.2%, Honolulu had the highest percentage of Asians in the nation," the Census said.

African-Americans are the second largest minority group in the United States at 43.9 million in 2011, an increase of 1.6% from 2010. New York has the largest black population of any state with 3.7 million and Texas has the largest increase from 2010 of 84,000. Cook County, Illinois, which includes Chicago, has the largest black population of any county at 1.3 million. Fulton County, Georgia, which includes Atlanta, has the largest increase since 2010 at 13,000.

The District of Columbia has the highest percentage of blacks at 52.2%. Mississippi has the second-largest at 38%.

America's native population - labeled "American Indian and Alaska Native population" by the Census - was about 6.3 million in 2011, up 2.1% from 2010. California had the largest such population at 1,050,000 and the largest increase at 23,000. Alaska had the highest share at 19%. Los Angeles had the largest such population of any county, with 231,000, and the largest increase, 9,000 since 2010.

The population classified as "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander" was 1.4 million in 2011, up 2.9% since 2010. Hawaii had the largest such population of any state at 359,000 and the highest percentage at 26.1. California had the largest increase since 2010 at 9,000. Honolulu has the largest population of any county at 235,000. Los Angeles County had the largest increase since 2011 at 2,700.

Of single race non-Hispanic whites, California had the largest population at 15 million. Texas had the largest increase since 2010 at 80,000. Maine had the highest percentage of the non-Hispanic white alone population, 94.3 percent.

Four states and the District of Columbia have predominantly minority populations, Hawaii, at 77%, the District of Columbia at 64.7%, California, at 60.3%, New Mexico, at 59.8%, and Texas, at 55.2%. Minorities comprised the majority population in 11% of the nation's 3,143 counties.

Michael White, professor of sociology at Brown University, said the rise of minorities fits into a longer-term evolution of the U.S. population, a mosaic that has been adapting to ethnic change since the first Census was recorded in 1790. There have been many groups represented over time, from enslaved and indigenous peoples, those of European stock, and now to a population reflecting the wider world - truly a "melting pot," he said.

White says it's hard to say how the changes will affect politics and that one can't assume that ethnic patterns will determine voting patterns. Local economic issues, for example, will evolve differently in different states and cities, and there are economic benefits of having a younger population, he said.

"The political dimensions will play out differently," he said. And by the time the babies are old enough to cast ballots, "the United States will be a different place when they are walking into a voting booth."
William Frey, Brookings Institution demographer, sees political challenges for new immigrants and an economy benefiting from their presence. Many Hispanics and Asians are too young to vote or can't cast ballots because they haven't become citizens.

"It's going to take perhaps awhile before the younger people get more engaged in politics. They do have an impact in some places, like swing states, such as Nevada, Colorado and Florida. They can make a difference," he said.

He, too, says that newcomers to the United States bring an energy that invigorates the economic system and an older society.

"I think we're going to just see that the younger part of the population will have a different vibe," he said. "They are sort of needed to help our youthful image and to add to that vitality. They will bring a dimension and element we sorely need."

The Rise of Socialism in the last 70 years has slowly but surely seen  Americans become too scared to speak in case they offend somebody.

But just how much has the left become the new right and the enemy of the people in America.
Beware, I must advise you if you read this make sure nobody is watching otherwise your face will soon be on a banner on the next public march.

To Purchase the book from Amazon.COM please Click Here http://www.amazon.com/Their-Difference-Between-Politics-ebook/dp/B0090RX5P6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1345632064&sr=8-3&keywords=charles+chatsworth

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

More Accounts of the Stupidity of Political Correctness

we are not allowed to ask for black coffee in the canteen.

we are not to refer to rubbish bags as black bags, even though they wre, but have all changed to green ones now!

A bloke at work said 'typical woman, can't make up her mind to his female friend who was choosing in the canteen and he got disciplined because someone who overheard it found it 'offensive'.

A teacher away from the class, spoke of a student who broke a laptop by throwing something across the classroom as 'the prat' someone overheard again and complained that it was derofgatory to the student.
A civilian member of staff complained that she wasn't 'valued' when someone was looking for a 'police man'( he was trying to clarify a point of law so did need a police officer anyway), but he got in trouble.
We are not to refer to the board at the front of class as blackboard or white board, it has to be 'penboard'.

A violent burglar who was chased by police, he climbed up onto a roof and spent four hours throwing tiles at anyone who went near him. The police had to send up a KFC meal because he asked for it and it would have violated his human rights.

A defunct school was seen to be leaving its lights on all night when somebody complained of the waste of electricity , the council informed them that the lights had to be left on all night because if somebody breaks in they might hurt themselves in the dark and the council had a duty of care .

we're not allowed to refer to the "Christmas" holidays or "Easter" Holidays incase we offend Muslims. How about a silence on Muslim Holidays like Ramadan etc?

There is a nursery in Northampton where children are no longer allowed to play 'hide and seek', it now has to be called 'find who's lost' so as not to offend Seikhs.......... it's not even the same spelling!

A local council in the UK has banned its employees from using the term 'brainstorming' since it might offend the mentally ill.
Baa Baa Black sheep being changed to Baa Baa Rainbow sheep was simply really ridiculous!

I came across this site http://listverse.com/2010/10/26/10-ridiculous-cases-of-political-correctness/ which really hits the nail on the head.

by Jay Karlson
None of us expect a life where we will never be offended or sheltered from conflict or hurt feelings. However, many self-appointed saviors are trying to make this a reality, through aggressive speech codes, legal rulings and corporate policies. Political Correctness (PC) originally flowered in academia and spread like a virus through the government and corporate worlds. It has devolved into a tyranny of the most offended person in the room. PC complaints now range from the sublime to the ridiculous, and they are stifling the honest assessment, and debate, of issues in our lives. The following ten cases of Political Correctness “progress” range from silly to troubling to genuinely disturbing.

Sexbox Live
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Xbox Live recently banned Josh Moore for violating its gamers’ code of conduct. His offense? Filling out his Xbox Live profile. You see, Mr. Moore lives in West Virginia. More specifically, in FORT GAY, West Virginia. As Microsoft says, the word “gay” is always offensive. Never mind that several US townships incorporate the word into their name, many people have “Gay” as a first or last name, and some homosexuals do identify themselves as “gay.” No, Microsoft obviously had a wise guy in their midst, and he had to go. So, despite a total lack of customer complaints, Microsoft froze Moore’s account and warned him that he could lose his prepaid subscription if he badgered Customer Service further. Fort Gay Mayor, David Thompson, tried to intervene, but was told that the city’s name didn’t matter; the word “gay” was inappropriate in any context. As a result, Moore missed a Search and Destroy competition and his team lost. Microsoft has since carefully reviewed the matter and reinstated Moore with full Xbox Live privileges (translation: the story hit the web).
Ho Ho Ho?
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In 2007, Santa Clauses in Sydney, Australia, were forced to revolt for the right to say “Ho Ho Ho”, the traditional laugh of jolly old St. Nick. It turns out that their employer, the recruitment firm Westaff (that supplies hundreds of Santas across Australia), told all trainees that “ho ho ho” could frighten children and be derogatory to women. Why? Because it was too close to the American (not Australian, mind you) slang for prostitute. Instead, the Santas were instructed to lower their voices and say “Ha ha ha”. Westaff relented only after the story broke nationally, deciding to leave the belly laughs “up to the discretion of Santa himself “.
Master and Slave
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In 2003, Dennis Tafoya, director of the LA County affirmative action office, issued a memo describing an “exhaustive search” for any computer equipment labeled “master” and “slave”. He also stated that all offending labels should be replaced with more appropriate terminology. Purchasing officials subsequently requested that all suppliers cease using labels deemed “unacceptable and offensive”—the first step of a creeping labeling ban. The county began their investigation after ONE worker saw a videotape machine bearing the labels and filed a discrimination complaint with the Office of Affirmative Action Compliance. However, “master” and “slave” are common terms for primary and secondary hard drives in the computer industry, and have been used without complaint for decades. Due to overwhelming negative publicity and a near revolt from suppliers, LA County’s Division Manager of Purchasing and Contract Services promised there would be no ban on computer equipment based on current labeling practices.
Swan Song of the South
Uncle Remus is the American Aesop, and we’re losing this literary treasure in our libraries and cinemas. For example, Disney’s delightful “Song of the South” hasn’t been in official circulation since 2001, and likely won’t be anytime soon. The general objection to the film (which features the Uncle Remus stories) lies in the portrayal of African-Americans in the live action sequences. Many mistakenly believe that the movie sugarcoats slavery, but, if any of the self-appointed PC censors had actually READ the book, they’d know that the Uncle Remus stories are set AFTER the Civil War and AFTER the abolition of slavery. This is evident in the film, when Uncle Remus freely leaves the plantation with no fear of reprisal at all. Walt Disney assumed people already knew this, and thought explaining it would be over the heads of most children (it is a kid’s movie, after all). But, depending on the PC crowd to read is a losing bet, and “Song of the South” remains locked in a vault.
Wear the Flag Proudly
Administrators at a California high school sent five students home after they refused to remove their American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo, the Mexican Day of Independence. That’s right, kids, you can’t wear your country’s flag in your country, lest it offend someone celebrating the holiday of a different country. The story began when Assistant Principal, Miguel Rodriguez, asked two of the five teens to remove their American flag bandanas. The boys complied, but were still taken to the principal’s office for a chat. One of the boys told NBC “They said we could wear it on any other day, but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it’s supposed to be their holiday, so we were not allowed to wear it.” They are right. It might be a little insensitive to wear an American flag shirt on Cinco De Mayo– if we were in MEXICO.
And it is an important holiday—IN MEXICO. School District Superintendent Wesley Smith later described the incident as “extremely unfortunate” and said the matter is still under investigation.

Horny Maine Boys
The Maine Human Rights Commission has proposed banning ANY gender divisions in public schools after ruling that, under the Maine Human Rights Act, a school discriminated against a 12-year-old transgender boy by denying him access to the girls’ bathroom. Think about that last part: after denying HIM access to the GIRL’S bathroom. As a result, in the near future, Maine schools may have no gender differences in sports teams, school clubs, bathrooms, or locker rooms. So, how many horny Maine boys do you think are working on a “transgender” scam to get into the girl’s locker room? Hint: it rhymes with “all”, because it is “all”. The commission promises to issue guidelines on how to deal with the thorny particulars. I’m sure it will make fascinating reading.
Bus Driver Goes Too Far
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In 2008, a Carmel, Indiana, school bus driver, Betty Campbell, overheard little Rachel Zimmer saying that she couldn’t vote for presidential candidate Barak Obama because of his positions on abortion and gay marriage. That led to unsubstantiated allegations that she said that other students would go to Hell, which Zimmer strongly denies. When Campbell heard the allegations (again, unsubstantiated) she stopped the bus and delivered a politically correct sermon on tolerance to her captive audience, who probably just wanted to go home and play Xbox before their moms and dads came home. The security camera caught it all on tape, including Campbell’s conversations with another student. She probed this student for racist allegations, threatening to “eat Zimmer alive” and calling her “a stupid little bigot”. It gets worse. After dropping Zimmer at home, Campbell completed her route and then RETURNED to the Zimmer home, ordering Zimmer and her sister back into the EMPTY school bus (without parental knowledge or consent) for more browbeating. She again lectured Zimmer about her opinions on gay marriage and reduced the girl to tears. After seeing the tape, Zimmer’s parents went ballistic, saying: “That’s not someone looking out for someone. That’s someone out to get somebody.” Carmel Clay Schools refused to fire or even discipline Campbell, stating that she was working within “the scope of her employment.” The family has since filed a civil lawsuit.
Duke Lacrosse Hoax
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In 2006, the Duke Lacrosse team held a party and hired two strippers for the event. Not impressed with the talent on display, they rudely sent dancer Crystal Gail Mangum and her friend packing after a few songs. Payment was an issue, but witnesses say they departed safely. However, Mangum later accused three players of raping her at the party. What followed was a PC free-for-all involving the university, the press, and the district attorney’s office. Presumption of guilt was total. The university cancelled the remaining lacrosse season. 88 faculty members published a rushed full-page ad in the newspaper siding with the alleged ‘victim,’ and decrying institutional racism at Duke. Three players were indicted for first degree forcible rape and kidnapping, while several others were pilloried in the school newspapers and complained that professors were unfairly failing them. Other players transferred to lesser schools, glad to get a degree at all. District attorney Mike Nifong wanted in on the rich college boy takedown, so he ignored the DNA tests that failed to connect anyone on the team with Mangum, and used a ‘suspects only’ photo list for her to ID her assailants. Eventually, scores of inconsistencies in Magnum’s testimony came flooding through, including prior false accusations of rape, no corroboration from her friend at the party, and an ever-changing events timeline. One newspaper determined Mangum was telling at least five different stories at any given time. Worst of all, one player was videotaped by an ATM camera miles away at the exact time he was supposed to be raping Mangum. The tide had turned– North Carolina law and Duke were looking decidedly foolish. So on April 11, 2007, the Attorney General dropped all charges and declared the three players innocent–victims of a “tragic rush to accuse.”
District Attorney Mike Nifong was later disbarred. The ex-players are seeking unspecified damages from the City of Durham, and Duke has already completed several legal settlements. The NCAA even reinstated the players’ athletic eligibility, although most had already graduated. The group of 88 professors has yet to publish an apology or retraction of their original ad. Miss Mangum was later arrested in 2010, in a separate case, and has been indicted for attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, assault and battery, communicating threats, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, injury to personal property, identity theft and resisting a public officer.
We Have Met The Enemy
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Political Correctness can have deadly consequences, even for an army at war. In November 2009, US Army Psychologist Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people (one pregnant) by opening fire on a US Army base, all while shouting “God is Great” in Arabic (a misappropriation of Muslim prayers, but used in the 9/11 attacks). How could anything like this happen on a military base? Unbelievably, the Pentagon knew of Hasan’s emails to radical imams, and his increasingly bizarre policy recommendations for Muslims serving in the US armed forces. Many coworkers and colleagues referred to him as a “ticking time bomb.” Red flags appeared everywhere showing that Hasan was seriously conflicted about being a Muslim in the US military, but the Army’s middle management ignored these signals because they were “afraid to be accused of profiling somebody.” That PC fear may have cost 13 people their lives.
Don’t Eat This!
The fear of genetically modified (GM) crops, whipped up by environmentalist hysteria in Europe and America, has prompted many African countries to ban ALL U.S. food aid because it may contain GM corn. This occurs even as desperate Zambians and Angolans break into government silos to “steal” donated GM food that is being denied them. There are no restrictions on these foods in industrialized nations, yet people too poor to buy their next meal are denied the same foods even when it’s free. They could realistically starve without it, yet Greenpeace prides itself on stopping shipments of GM food to starving people. The policy borders on genocide. Penn Jillette (always good for a quote) sums it up nicely: “Unless you and yours are starving, you need to SHUT THE $#@! UP.”